Mine Surveying
Trana-Tek provide clients in the mining industry with a complete set of surveying services tailored for all project stages including geological exploration, modeling, design, top soil stripping, drilling, blasting, pre-strip activities, dragline operations, and rehabilitation. We employ effective and innovative surveying technology in addition to our proven surveying experience to ensure the success and proper management any open-cut or underground mining project. Our Services include:
- Establishment of project survey control monument network and baselines
- Topographic measurements using conventional or 3d laser scanning techniques
- Volume calculation for stock piles, queries, and earth material movement
- Terrain modeling
- Survey and update site layout plans
- Road and ramp stakeout
- High wall surveying
- Stock pile monitoring and volume computation surveys
- Machine control stakeout surveys
- Blast Control stakeout surveys
- Safety accident investigation surveys Surveying for construction of pads for plants and machinery, processing plants, conveyor lines, crushers, processing tank, structures and utilities during mine construction
- Surveying of pit designs (pit outlines, ramps, berms, sumps).
- Monthly pit, stockpile and tailings dam volume computations.
- Surveying of pit slope and monitoring for pit slope failures.
- Surveying of waste dump designs and rehabilitation of waste dump slopes.
- Detailing and surveying of concession boundary.
- Monthly, quarterly and yearly surveying of pits, waste dumps, tails dumps, mine access and other utilities and preparation of their situation plans.