Geophysical Surveying
Our range of Geophysical Surveying services include:
Acoustic Televiewer
The Acoustic Borehole Televiewer Survey is the ideal solution for customers requiring:- Fracture and stratigraphy imaging and characterization
- Lithology characterization
- Caliper measurements
- Casing investigations
- All Survey results are Quality Controlled and reported via our Geophysicist ensuring the integrity of the data.
Borehole Optical Televiewer
The OPTV probe provides a continuous, detailed and orientated 360ยบ image of the borehole walls using a unique optical imaging system. This can be rapidly interpreted to obtain a complete feature analysis that includes dip, strike, frequency and fracture aperture. One popular visual data display option is the projection of features onto an imaginary core that can be rotated and viewed from any orientation. In fact, an OPTV survey can often replace expensive coring with its associated problems of incomplete core recovery and offers much greater flexibility and convenience for data interpretation than a conventional borehole television survey. DIP interpretation software is available for detailed analysis of the displayed features and includes conventional arrow (tadpole) plots, stereograms of feature orientations and synthetic core images.![](../images/borehole_v.jpg)
The following probe are also part of our Geophysical Surveying Services
- Borehole Video Inspection Systems
- Density Gamma (Trisonde)
- Sidewall Density and Density/Guard
- Small-Source Density
- Neutron
- Dual Neutron
- Natural Gamma Spectroscopy
- Electric Log
- Focussed Electric (Guard Log)
- Microresistivity
- Focussed Induction
- Dual Focussed Induction
- Ultra-slim Focussed Induction
- Magnetic Susceptibility
- Impeller Flowmeter
- Heat-Pulse Flowmeter
- Induced Polarisation
- Fluid Temperature / Conductivity
- Water Quality
- Water / Gas Sampler
- Three-Arm Caliper
- Borehole Geometry
- Verticality
- Gyroscopic Verticality
- Four-Arm Dipmeter
- Full-Waveform Compensated Sonic
- Slim Full-waveform Triple Sonic
- Digital P-S Suspension Log